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Curriculum-Grades K-5

Elementary Curriculum (K-5)


Today more than ever, educators must address both the “what” and the “how” of teaching and learning. We are concerned about both what is taught and how instruction is delivered. A team of elementary teachers and principals developed the Standards Based Report (SBR) cards for grades 3-5. Teachers in grades K-2 are already utilizing the SBR card/grading. Please see the grade level academic standards listed on the report cards.

What is Standards - Based Grading?

Standards-Based Grading is a refined way of communicating what students know and how they demonstrate their learning of the state’s academic standards.

What is the Purpose of Standards-Based Grading?

  • To provide parents, teachers and students with detailed accurate information about the students’ progress towards proficiency in meeting the academic standards for English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.
  • To increase alignment between standards, assessments and grading.
  • To provide effective feedback for academic growth and improve communication regarding students’ progress.

How does Standards-Based Grading differ from Traditional letter grading?

Traditional Grading Standards-Based Grading
Students receive one letter grade for each subject. Each subject has a list of standards. Students receive a proficiency rating for each standard.
Students’ letter grade averages all the work and other subjective factors a student has done over time.

Measures students’ proficiency of grade-level standards over time

Assessments are not aligned to specific standards. Assessments are aligned to specific standards.
Students’ letter grade is more subjective. Students are graded more objectively according to consistent grade level standards.

How will students’ progress be measured?

Progress will be measured by proficiency levels.

Level 4:  Mastery/Proficient (90-100%)

  • Consistently meets grade level expectations
  • Applies and transfers concepts of skills
  • Performs independently

Level 3:  Developing (75-89%)

  • Steady progress towards grade level expectations
  • Understands concepts of skills
  • Requires some guidance

Level 2:  Emerging (60-74%)

  • Beginning to work towards grade level expectations
  • Demonstrates beginning understanding
  • Requires frequent assistance

AC:  Area of Concern (59% and below)

  • Works below grade level expectations
  • Does not appear ready
  • Has difficulty even with considerable assistance

Blank:  A blank means the standard is not evaluated at this time.

Modified Curriculum:

  • Yes—indicates that a “modified curriculum” has been used
  • No—indicates that a modified curriculum has not been used

Specials Grading:  (Physical Education, Music and World Languages/Cultures)

  • O=Outstanding
  • S=Satisfactory
  • N=Needs Improvement


Guskey, Thomas, (2006), The Challenge of Standards-Based Grading; Education Leadership

Marzano, Robert, (et, al), 2001 Classroom that Work, ASCD

Marzano, Robert, (2006) Classroom Assessments and Grading that Works; ASCD

O’Connor, Ken, A Repair Kit for Grading; 15 Fixes for Broken Grades; Educational Testing Service

Popham, J.W., (2008), Instruction that Measures up Successful Teaching in the age of Accountability; Leadership Compass

“The big switch with Standards-Based Grading is we work by levels, not percentages.”  Ken O’Connor, A Repair Kit for Grading:  Fifteen Fixes for Broken Grades.

Standards-Based Report Cards - K-5
